Sunday, October 28, 2012

Importance of Voting

Voting in any type of election, from local elections to Presidential primaries, provides an important way to voice your opinions regarding elected leaders and overall policies; voting also helps you decide your own future by electing a person who might reflect your own views. For the last couple of months there has been a huge debate for the presidency. I have not watched every debate, however I am aware of each candidate and what he chooses to do if elected.  The reason I chose to write on this issue is because I want to express the importance of voting. I feel that if you don’t vote you have no right to complain. Election day for the president is November 6, 2012.  At this time you can early vote; please check your county locations.
Voting is very important; therefore if you are at least 18years of age please go out and vote. 

Below is a picture of President Obama and Mitt Romney

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