Sunday, September 30, 2012

A Day without your cell phone and Internet access

How often do you use your cell phone? How often do you use the internet? If I didn't use my cell phone or have any internet access today I would have been completely lost. I use my phone to access my bible, checking account, and to communicate with my family. Not only that but I the internet to check the weather at the beginning of my day. If I didn't have my phone or the internet I would have to watch TV for the weather or even take a trip to the ATM to check my bank statement.


  1. I dont think I could last very long without my cell phone. I always need to stay in contact with people during my bust schedule.

  2. I don't think I could last an hour without my phone or the Internet. I enjoyed reading this Jenna, Great Job!

  3. I feel the same way. My cell phone is used for much more than just texts and calls. It holds my textbooks, easy and quick bank account access, a gps (which I need for my job), and of course my music and such. Without all this for a day? Not happening, I need to at least be able to check my accounts for transactions and the like as I do a lot of banking online.

    Thanks for the info,

    Josh D.
